Wednesday, 28 April 2010

crime in this election

there hasn't been that much coverage of crime in this election (compared to every other election in the last 15 years anyway!) interesting interview with Rod Morgan about why that is, on the Today programme yesterday


  1. Hi Katrina,

    That's great, thanks. I'm trying to gather some empirical data on this election, so if anyone notices anything could you let me know?

    Also, I found it quite interesting that much of the debate on crime has centred around whether or not crime has actually fallen, with the Conservatives arguing that the British Crime Survey is not valid in this argument.

    Here's a summary piece on it...

  2. Been following this with interest, too. Rather than confronting the 'crime' issue head on, the Conservatives appear to have chosen the umbrella concept 'Broken Britain' as a vehicle to introduce some of the issues; see

    for discussion of this.

    Interesting also that the Lib-Dems appear to have adopted a relatively progressive crime strategy - saying they would not pursue the prison-building project and want to reduce the prison population - but that this seems not to have been an election liability for them.

    Has anyone noted much coverage of this aspect of the debate?
